Check out the new look.. This is what i have been working on the last few days
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
Christmas, New Year and just some general info...
Just a little blog post to talk about Christmas, and what my plans for next year and some more general stuff, it is going to be about 898 words but I do appreciate you taking the time to read this. So to start off, the lead up to Christmas this year did not seem that ‘brilliant’ I think this shows as the world is in the economic state it is in, people are cutting back on being ‘big spenders’ on Christmas lights, outdoor lights and just general house decoration. This surprises me, I was expecting it to be a little less this year but not to the extent it has been, for example only a few houses put up decorations down my road, now not to be big headed or anything but my road is not exactly a poor road... Even with this it still stopped them doing all the lights. I think this is the time where people really focus on ‘what is Christmas meant to be’, well what it means to them and I think nowadays a lot of people think it is just a good excuse to spend money and give people stuff. I think some people have forgotten why we celebrate Christmas sometimes. The 25th December was a date picked by the Catholic Church to appease the pagans who they were trying to convert, but they did not want to give up their traditional holidays and festivals. (Fair enough I wouldn’t give them up Ha) Saturnalia was one of the popular Roman pagan festivals of celebration, drunkenness and making merry which ran from the 17th to the 24th of December. Gifts were exchanged on the 23rd and 24th. On the 25th December they would celebrate "The Birth of The Unconquerable Sun." It was decided that this would be a day for celebrating the birth of Jesus instead. Many of the pagan traditions such as decorating the house with trees and greenery were banned at this time, but they have crept back into our Christmas traditions. I think the word crept is a little understatement, anyway that’s all the religious views from me (It doesn’t happen much) I also have been watching peoples status updates on Twitter and Facebook, and even with the state the country are in, it seems like people are still getting very expensive presents. Maybe families are cutting down on all this rubbish and democracy which is Christmas decorations and more focusing on buying their family presents. (Do I think this is a good idea?) Well that’s a simple no!! If we get into this thing where as we don’t decorate the house and just spend all the money buying presents, well then the Christmas spirit is just gone, (Not much left of it now)... Sitting in an un-decorated house opening presents, seems a bit odd. (Let me guess the next thing is people won’t even bother with the roast dinner!!) I do hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas, I know I did. Let me know what you got, email or just twitter me @PeteHelmore. For those who have been asking I got an iPod Touch 32gb. (Apart from my computer and laptop what I got a few years back, this has been the best present I have had in awhile) Oh also just before I go I have got some news... I have recently been focusing on my career (Which is in radio, I hope). I am in the process of making, a 1page website with like a profile page of Pete Helmore the web address for this will be (If you go there now, it re-directs you to twitter). Now if anyone would like to write me any quotes for the website just saying how great I am HA I would appreciate them. Also I am in the process of making a new ‘Online Community Webpage’ This page will be one of the many new projects I am working on. I will be working on this project with Ben Griffin my long time PA / Helper for all my radio stuff and for I will let you know more about the site when I know more... The next two years for me are going to be very busy and I think this will be the time where I 1, Shine in my career or 2, End up in Community Radio all my live... (Oh I have nothing bad to say about Community Radio, as if it was not for that I would not be at the stage I am currently at, but I’m sure everyone understands that I want to get higher up the scale. Everyone should have a goal what seems impossible (but in the back of your head you always think ‘I can do this’) to get but one day you will get it if you really want to be somewhere doing something you will do it!!) Anyway that’s it from me, I hope to blog more in 2010 but it is sometimes hard to find time, for example I am typing this at 3.27 in the morning (I work best in the silent which is night time, with my iPod on and in that zone where someone could be looking at you and you wouldn’t realize and your just typing away listening to some great, and not so great tunes!!) I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Be safe and have FUN!!!
Just a little blog post to talk about Christmas, and what my plans for next year and some more general stuff, it is going to be about 898 words but I do appreciate you taking the time to read this. So to start off, the lead up to Christmas this year did not seem that ‘brilliant’ I think this shows as the world is in the economic state it is in, people are cutting back on being ‘big spenders’ on Christmas lights, outdoor lights and just general house decoration. This surprises me, I was expecting it to be a little less this year but not to the extent it has been, for example only a few houses put up decorations down my road, now not to be big headed or anything but my road is not exactly a poor road... Even with this it still stopped them doing all the lights. I think this is the time where people really focus on ‘what is Christmas meant to be’, well what it means to them and I think nowadays a lot of people think it is just a good excuse to spend money and give people stuff. I think some people have forgotten why we celebrate Christmas sometimes. The 25th December was a date picked by the Catholic Church to appease the pagans who they were trying to convert, but they did not want to give up their traditional holidays and festivals. (Fair enough I wouldn’t give them up Ha) Saturnalia was one of the popular Roman pagan festivals of celebration, drunkenness and making merry which ran from the 17th to the 24th of December. Gifts were exchanged on the 23rd and 24th. On the 25th December they would celebrate "The Birth of The Unconquerable Sun." It was decided that this would be a day for celebrating the birth of Jesus instead. Many of the pagan traditions such as decorating the house with trees and greenery were banned at this time, but they have crept back into our Christmas traditions. I think the word crept is a little understatement, anyway that’s all the religious views from me (It doesn’t happen much) I also have been watching peoples status updates on Twitter and Facebook, and even with the state the country are in, it seems like people are still getting very expensive presents. Maybe families are cutting down on all this rubbish and democracy which is Christmas decorations and more focusing on buying their family presents. (Do I think this is a good idea?) Well that’s a simple no!! If we get into this thing where as we don’t decorate the house and just spend all the money buying presents, well then the Christmas spirit is just gone, (Not much left of it now)... Sitting in an un-decorated house opening presents, seems a bit odd. (Let me guess the next thing is people won’t even bother with the roast dinner!!) I do hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas, I know I did. Let me know what you got, email or just twitter me @PeteHelmore. For those who have been asking I got an iPod Touch 32gb. (Apart from my computer and laptop what I got a few years back, this has been the best present I have had in awhile) Oh also just before I go I have got some news... I have recently been focusing on my career (Which is in radio, I hope). I am in the process of making, a 1page website with like a profile page of Pete Helmore the web address for this will be (If you go there now, it re-directs you to twitter). Now if anyone would like to write me any quotes for the website just saying how great I am HA I would appreciate them. Also I am in the process of making a new ‘Online Community Webpage’ This page will be one of the many new projects I am working on. I will be working on this project with Ben Griffin my long time PA / Helper for all my radio stuff and for I will let you know more about the site when I know more... The next two years for me are going to be very busy and I think this will be the time where I 1, Shine in my career or 2, End up in Community Radio all my live... (Oh I have nothing bad to say about Community Radio, as if it was not for that I would not be at the stage I am currently at, but I’m sure everyone understands that I want to get higher up the scale. Everyone should have a goal what seems impossible (but in the back of your head you always think ‘I can do this’) to get but one day you will get it if you really want to be somewhere doing something you will do it!!) Anyway that’s it from me, I hope to blog more in 2010 but it is sometimes hard to find time, for example I am typing this at 3.27 in the morning (I work best in the silent which is night time, with my iPod on and in that zone where someone could be looking at you and you wouldn’t realize and your just typing away listening to some great, and not so great tunes!!) I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Be safe and have FUN!!!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Time for a change? DAB? FM? AM?
In 2013 DAB is expected to account for more than 50% of the listening figures.
Now this may sound a lot, but when you break it down into figures there is still a lot of people who will not be able to listen, for example 5 billion people may listen to radio, that is 2.5bilion people who will not be able to get it. It isn't until you start looking at the figures, you understand how big of an audience could be lost.
Now if we think about it, in 2007 London had an estimated population of just under 8 million people. Now divide 2.5billion by 8 million, I will let you work out the answer to that but the only thing I’m going to say is that’s a lot of London’s.
Now what station owner (either commercial or BBC) is going to be prepared to switch off their analogue signal and lose 50% of their listening figures.
Now from my experience in working in radio stations I’m sure most of the station owners would not do that.
For example at Somer Valley FM, The Community Radio Station in Midsomer Norton, if I told Dom Chambers the manager, I was going to make us loose 50% of our listening figures, I think he may have one word to say..... That word would be a simple NO!
Also there is another angle to look at this from, a commercial station, where advertising is a big part of the success of the station. Losing 50% of listening figures would mean losing 50% of revenues, now looking at this with my business head on (I don’t have my business head on most of the time), who is going to do that. I know I wouldn’t.
Now one thing which is happening at the moment is radio stations are paying to broadcast on FM and DAB, now this is a good idea as it means they are covering both angles. The only problem with this is it will cost the station more money to do, but I do think this is what’s going to happen for well who can say I would guess the next 3-4 or even 10 years.
Now I’m not sure how many people will remember the term ‘Long Wave’
Well in 1992 there was word on the street that ‘long Wave’ would be slowly closed down and sadly forgotten about. Now I was born in 1992 and all my time in radio I have never heard the term ‘long Wave’ until researching this project I’m talking about now.
Well this caused some heartache with some people. So they set up a protest to save it, well they were successful in one way.
‘Long Wave’ is now only officially being used by one radio station which is radio 4.
The point I’m trying to show here is this so called closure of long wave was meant to happen in 1992, and 17 years later radio 4 are still using it.
This just shows when the British people want something to happen it happens.
And I think we will find this with DAB, the British do not like change and I think it will be 3 or even 10 years before all the radio stations think about turning of FM.
Also another good point the FM Wave is it is cheap, it has been tried and tested and works perfect. It’s close to 'universal' coverage as we will ever get.
I think we also need to think about it from another angle. If we change over to DAB, pirate radio stations will start using FM like they use AM. So in my mind we would be doing our selfs more harm than needed.
So my conclusion about this is that yes we will turn over to DAB and turn of FM but not yet.
(A audio version will be uploaded in the next week or two.)
Posted via web from petehelmore's posterous
Friday, 4 December 2009
HI, yes I am still here...
So I know I have had lots of emails from lots of my blog readers asking where I have been.
Well I have been really busy with my college work at the moment, and all my radio work. As you all can understand I'm trying to focus on my career at the moment.
So well what have I been up to recently, the other week I did a interview with Leah Smith about 'if I think DAB radio will work'. This was a good subject for me to talk about as recently I did an article for a media magazine. I will try uploading the article sometime this week; I will also try uploading the recorded interview I did, so watch this space... I really enjoyed doing the interview and also helping out a good mate.
Also I have been working more on stream lining the local radio station. I'm trying to put functions in place that in the long run will help out the station. E.G. I recently fitted a remote login system to our streaming computer; this means if the stream goes down me and the manager can log on and just start it back up. What I would want the readers of this blog to understand is all this work is self taught. I learn as I do it, I come up on mistakes do research and learn how to fix them and in my mind that is a great ability what I don't think everyone has, which is a shame.
There are some people I know what don't learn as they do stuff, now saying this some of them people are very smart, and like to study before doing it. Whereas I am more a hands on person, I do it and then think about later, and in my life it has not done me any harm. This is one of them things what just shows everyone is different, and I think people should remember it. I hate it when I know or work with younger kids who say stuff like "I want to do this as my mate is doing it" I always want to say don't just do something because they are doing it, there has to be a point in your life where you focus on yourself and let others worry about them self's. Now in that statement I'm not trying to say you should have no friends and you should live a single life away from everyone, because if you start doing that you will start to drift off from your friends.
Now moving on from my little speech there HA.
So getting back to what I was talking about, I have recently been teaching myself lots of skills, to use in 1, my college course and 2, my day to day life.
What else????
Oh I know, I have been focusing my time online to learn more about social media, and all about the online communities. For example this blog is a online community using social media to publish it over the net. Now as a lot of readers of this blog will know, I use twitter a lot. Well recently I have not been as much but I am still a big twitter fan. I also have facebook and I am on that lots but only use the status updates to advertise my radio shows, I more use twitter to update. I think this is because some of the people I have on facebook I think well they may not be interested in what I have to say, whereas I know the people following me on twitter are interested otherwise they would not follow me would they.
I also had a interview today, with Simon Davis who soon will be getting more and more involved in the radio station, I think it was a great chance to do this interview and would like to say thank you to Simon Davis.
So at the moment if you don't see me tweet that much it is probably because I'm trying to study (Not looking at books, but generally learning) about twitter, and facebook.
Tomorrow well later today I am going into BMI Bath Clinic to have another operation but I will not bother you with any of the details in this.
Once again I would like to say thank you to the readers of my blog, and please do understand at the moment I'm trying to focus on my career so if I don't blog for a while you know why.
Also I would like to thank Jodie and Leah as we have been working together at the station this year and I think it is always nice to have a couple of people who understand where you are coming from, as they are in media them self's they understand what I am trying to do in my career. Now I have worked with Leah for 3-4 years before the station this year, but coming into the station at the start of this year was the first time meeting Jodie. Now sometimes I think I have known them both for the same amount of time, and I think this shows if you're willing to get out there and talk to people, you will meet some interesting people. Now in that statement, that's not saying all the other volunteers are rubbish lol, as there not all the volunteers well most ha are great and I have enjoyed working with them all this year.
Once again thank you so much everyone online, and in real life for the support.
Pete Helmore
P.S Have a very nice festive season, and hope you all have a very good Christmas. And if your birthday is on Christmas Eve or Christmas day... Happy Birthday.
You can find the people I have mentioned in this blog at :
You can find me at and and or