So I have been getting lots of emails and @mentions asking where I have been. Well if you follow me on twitter @PeteHelmore (Like my plug there) you will see I am still around. To tell you the truth I have really not had time to blog at the moment.
The reason for this is because I am currently working on lots of little and big projects in the UK and the US. I can’t go into too much detail as I will get told off by the people running it. But basically I’m working on lots of ‘Youth Web Projects which brings media and web together.
So moving on from that as I don’t want to go into too much detail.
I can tell you about my little projects though, so as you all know I run the website . This website has gone from strength to strength. I’m really proud of the website and everyone who helps me run it (I will give them a plug later).
The website started as a little bit of fun back a year or two ago. It was setup to offer people like you and me Tech Help for Free. I never realized it would take off to the extent it did.
In the first week it was running it had 5 Emails (Bad I know) Well two months after the website had been running it was getting 200-300 views a month and around 70 emails a week.
Now the website is getting about 2000 unique views a month and around 300 emails a week.
At Christmas last year we hit our target number of getting 1578 emails in one week, we reckon this is due to people getting all these new presents and then getting stuck on how to use them (Happens to the best of us).
So I’m trying to focus a lot of my time working on the site and planning ahead for the future. Some people would have noticed recently I did a re-brand. I spent 3 days working on the new look and now happy with it, a big thank you goes out to all of so many people who have commented on the new look about how much they like it. I’m really happy about this.
Now time for the plug:
I would like to say thank you to the website sponsors who without them we would not be where we are at the moment.
The show sponsors are:
1, Sharmar Publications are paying for the running cost of the equipment for TechHelp24/7, check there website at
2, Custon Covers are paying for the website hosting cost, check there website at
3, Frank James Bailey has helped TechHelp24/7 by doing the jingles for us, check his website at
4, Air Media helped us produce some jingles and recordings check there website at
Now time to thank all the people working with me on Tech Help 24/7
1, Ben has been with us from the start going back to the days when I use to broadcast on internet radio stations, Ben use to help produce the shows. Ben now is co-owner of TechHelp 24/7.
2, Jake has been with us for the last 6months his role is just helping to answer all the email we get.
3, Lauren has been with us for about 3 months and like Jake she is just helping to answer the emails.
4, Tobie joined the same time as Lauren. He is going to be taking on a bigger role soon but shhhh this is still in the planning.
5, Brendon is the newest member of the team and has only been with us for 3 weeks. At the moment he has been helping to manage the email accounts but will soon be helping me and Ben manage the website.
6, Emma has been with us for the last 4-5 months, and is working on a new Social Media website, more info soon....
7, Sam joined about 2 months ago and is helping Emma with the new Social Media website.
8, Reece came along about 4 months ago and is working with Emma and Sam on the Social Media website. Reece will be helping to integrate Facebook and Twitter into the new website.
Last but not least, Jamie joined about 8 weeks ago and at the moment he is currently working on improving how we answer emails.
Now all that is out of the way. Everyone should be happy.
So just to finish this long blog off, I am still here, catch up with what I’m doing by following me on Twitter @PeteHelmore.
I’m also on air Fridays 6-8pm Sundays 12-3pm or 97.5fm.
Like I said earlier in the blog, I’m working on the website lots and we are improving email answering systems to increase our overall pro look. At the moment we aim to answer all email between 24-48 hours.
If you have any feedback please send it to
I look forward to your response.
Once again a huge thank you for taking time out of your life to read this blog...
Pete Helmore
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