Hi, just before we get started I'm going to say sorry as I haven't posted here for a few months now, a few things for this 1, I'm busy, 2, I just haven’t and 3, all small/ not important/photos go on to my other blog PeteHelmore.com
So I thought I should really do a post on here just to let the people who read this know that YES I am still alive, my last post (about France Holiday) was my most ever viewed post which reached just under 13,000 views now I did a little research on this and I think something was going on in France when I posted it so that would of meant on twitter and so on my blog would of came up in the searches.
My topic for this post is PEOPLE!!! So every now and again you will meet someone you just think OH SHUT UP well I have met a few of these in the last few years, but the ones which really wind me up is the people who are just simply jealous of what you do, but they think you are jealous of them GET OVER YOUR SELF why can't people just keep them self to them and just stay out of other people's business. Oh and another point I notice that some people stop stuff, try new things just change their life's around, well that is fine but why do they then have to try and ruin stuff for other people, fair play if you don't want to do something, but guess what others DO!
Now that i have a good guess someone may be reading this thinking it is about them, but it is not. It is about all people who do what I have just described.
I think I have met 5 of these in the last 3 years.
Anyway moving on to more of a positive note, my on-line company TechHelp 24/7 is doing really well at the moment the site has grown to quickly which has caused us to undergo a complete new design, Content Management system and the model of the business. For more info on this please check the website. NeedTechHelp.co.uk
Oh also my Radio shows I do each week are going really well, in the last year we had record braking figures for the show sites and it can only get better. I have lots of content, fun stuff planned for the next year and then we will see where I am with all things radio.
Anyway I have now ran out of stuff to type about, I could talk for ever but to be honest with you I can't be bothered to type it.
In the mean time check me out on the following sites:
PeteHelmore.Com - Unofficial Blog, which includes daily posts, photos and so on
PeteHelmore.Info - A site talking about how great I am
Twitter.com/PeteHelmore - Just the good old twitter
Facebook.com/PeteHelmore - Just the good old Facebook
InstantRadioMix.co.uk - My radio show which I do on Friday 6-8pm on Somer Valley FM
TheCommunityShow.co.uk - My radio show Which I do on Sundays 12-2pm on Somer Valley FM
NeedTechHelp.co.uk - My on-line company
Until next time I blog (prob be few months) stay safe and just well do whatever ha.
Pete Helmore (Apparently a person with a big EGO!!!!!)