Friday, 30 October 2009


So today I'm just setting up some new forms of social networking and communicating. In plain English that means basically setting up some new twitter post services like TwitPic, Posterous, Flickr, Friend Feed and finally Tumblr.
I’m sure there are some more I have missed out but for now those will do.
The main reason I have been getting more and more involved in social media recently is because I’m working on this project with a British broadcasting company I have just said the name of the company and if you’re clever you will be able to work it out.
Anyway I have been getting involved with this 'company' and we have been working on a new social media project, which will be aired on TV! Yes that is correct on TV!!!
So this project, I can’t give to many details as I will get into trouble if I do, but we will be covering how social media has changed my life and changed my views for my future, also all the types of social media...(there are so many so I’m not going to list them) So my topic is Radio. Now for those who do not know me, radio has changed my life, and also changed my future career plans.
Now like I said I can’t talk about this much so I’m not going to. I’m going to stop now!!
So anyway back to the reason I have got this blog, this is because I need to understand the ways of social media and the ways people use it to communicate in the modern world.
I will be using all the types of social media, I did state some of them up the top so I’m not going to say it again as that is more typing for me to do.
For now this is it from me, I will try to update this regularly but please be patient and when you run a website ( I will blog about the website I run and manage in another post sometime in the future) Also I help run a radio station ( They need all the help they can get!) (I will also blog about this is another blog post sometime in the future, and I’m sure it will be a very long blog as there is lot’s to talk about) At the end of this I also go to college (You know what I’m going to say next... I will blog about this sometime in the future....)
Anyway if you want to know what I’m up to at anytime just check out my twitter @PeteHelmore or or just check the website
Talk to you sometime in the future (Your really going to get annoyed with that tag line, so I will try to use it ..... even more HA)
Bye Bye
P.S Thanks for reading the last 497 words, now you need to decide was it worth your time. The answer is .........

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